The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure

Volume 2, Issue 2


Hello and welcome to the fourth edition of The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure.

In this issue we start with Deborah Bloomberg's look at the
debate on child citizenship. The study of child citizenship, many maintain, has been widely passed over because it has been assumed that children are not yet, but potentially citizens. Recent debate on child citizenship asserts that the child should be an active citizen or 'practice' citizenship as far as the child is able, related to age and ability. They should not be considered merely as the child of an adult citizen.
Gaining the children's perspectives on citizenship is the logical next step. The research reported here was carried out in a community in Northern Israel called the 'Children's Village'.

Ian Davidson examines the form and function of university adult and continuing education and how it is affected by social changes, the ways in which the functions of society are perceived and representations of society are formed. The relationship between university adult and continuing education and other relevant policy has been well defined in Wales.

Contents Volume 2 Issue 2:

Deborah Bloomberg Nearly Citizens? : Child Citizenship and the Perspectives of 16-18 year olds in an Israeli 'Children's Village'

Ian Davidson Space, place and subversion in university adult and continuing education.

 McGrath, S., King, K. Learning to Compete: African Education, Training and Small Enterprise Development in the Era of Globalisation

Koichi Iwabuchi Complicit Exoticism: Japan and its other

 Ian concentrates on theoretical work which seeks to foreground the role of space within global and local social systems. Located within the discourse of globalisation and in the context of developments in information and communication technology, examples of increasing spatialisation include the movement of international capital, the increased development of abstract systems with no visible location (insurance companies, banking etc), the international supermarket chain as against the corner shop, and geographically dislocated monitoring and surveillance systems.

In the first part he presents some ideas of social space from the work of Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Frederic Jameson and Henri Lefevre. He then puts their ideas alongside most recent developments in university adult and continuing education. The process is not one of suggesting absolute parallels, rather I will be using one set of ideas to illuminate the other.

The paper by McGrath and King considers the existing literature regarding the roles of education, training and small enterprise development in contributing to national development, particularly in Africa. It explores the impact that globalisation is likely to have on these three areas and the ways in which it encourages a new configuration of their inter-relationships. It is intended to provide a preliminary exploration of key substantive issues prior to detailed research in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Suggested key terms are Globalisation, Training, Africa, and Enterprise.

Koichi Iwabuchi takes a close examination at western observations of Japan which are both familiar and unfamiliar. Made by German missionaries around the turn of the century, these remind us of a familiar colonial discourse which draws a sharp distinction between "us" and "them" ("their" otherness is always spoken about in terms of the difference from us"; "our" superiority is unmarked by marking "their" inferiority). These observations can be read as western Orientalist discourse on Japan; after all, they are strikingly similar to those discussed by Richard Minear. Drawing on Said's Orientalism, Minear argues that western observers of Japan (like Chamberlain, Samson and Reischauer) shared ontological assumptions about the West and the exotic but inferior Other, Japan. They were fascinated with some exotic parts of Japan, and lamented the loss of "authentic" Japanese tradition in the process of modernisation. But, they were all quite sure that Japan's future was to be modelled on Western civilisation.

IJULL Last Updated: © 1999-2007 International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure